This report has been intensively discussed in recent years among urban policy makers, universities, media, municipalities and other urban stakeholders; spoken in the context of local politics and local elections; concepts and approaches such as smart cities, green cities, ecological cities, durable cities and safe cities, which are more frequently mentioned in the developed urban policies and projects, are evaluated from the macro perspective. On the other hand, new problems affecting cities such as rapid urbanization, expansion of urban centers, urban renewal, transportation, traffic and spatial planning as well as urban problems such as climate change, urban security and digitalization have been analyzed in recent years.
Report by addressing the problems in metropolitan cities in the world and Turkey offers a roadmap for building an effective management of metropolitan cities. Turkey on March 31, when considered in the local elections, the context will be held in 2019 to determine the planned projects and investments made in both the pre-election will take office after both the selection of city managers, local councilors, the municipalities and other urban stakeholders to design the city of the future, the creation of urban policy and urban new approaches, models and implementations included in this report are expected to guide the development of action plans.