Financial Instruments of the New Era

This analysis focuses on the financing of the new period and the new targets envisaged in economic policies. In this context, it draws attention to both the innovative instruments included in the New Economy Program (YEP) and the trends that should not be missed.

One of the main problems of Turkey’s economy accumulation of capital, access to financing, new ideas and even public financing revenues. In spite of the progress made in the economy in the last fifteen years, there is a long and thin way to be taken in financing. The issue of financing and the long-term funding of new ideas are among the important issues that policy makers should focus on in a period of growth and transformation with new strategies in the fight against crises, where national and international independent policies are aimed. As a matter of fact, it is essential to plan the financing needs of the new story in order to create a stronger and more robust infrastructure and a sustainable development story. Like the other hand, new players also play in the balance of global power Turkey / provides important opportunities for developing countries. In such a turbulent period, policy-makers should take responsibility for the strengthening and diversification of existing maneuvering tools and for establishing the legal and institutional infrastructure necessary for the establishment of new technologies.

New era in Turkey-especially the development of new technologies and the efficient use noktasında- to move to the center and will strengthen the hand of essential strategic steps to be taken. If Turkey wants to become a major global player in the long run a stable economy and a serious will to reform the longer term, a sustainable growth and development initiative feet stepped on more solid ground must wade. Targets 2023, 2053 and 2071 can only be achieved through serious support and financial deepening to the strategic sectors of production, export and high added value. It is a necessity to plan the financing pillar of all these processes well, especially in this new period of serious transformation.

At this point, it is clear that it will be useful to give more importance to new generation financing instruments, new instruments, alternatives such as participation banks and interest-free financial institutions that shift their funds and resources directly to production and real sector. Indeed, financial markets in Turkey today still comes to mind only conventional banks. The first generation of the new generation YEP, which was introduced in 2018 instead of the previous Medium Term Programs (MTP), gives particular importance to the financing needs that will increase day by day considering all these needs. In line with technological developments, mass or new generation funding tools are an important alternative for funding.