+1 Applied Training Model in Vocational Education

In the analysis, a model is proposed to shed light on the training of qualified labor force through university-labor market cooperation.

Today, competition between countries continues at the level of knowledge and the future of societies gains value with the success of education. In this sense, universities have the responsibility of being the institutions that meet the educated manpower needs of the society as well as being the centers producing science. The most important resource required for the design and production of high value added technology products is the qualified person who has gained “application skills”.

In order to train qualified manpower with application skills, the education given in our universities should be carried out considering the current conditions and needs of the sector and future projections. With the +1 Applied Education Model, which was initiated at Sakarya University and continued at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, our students gain work experience and become qualified individuals with the ability to practice before graduating.